Avatar® Course is a gentle, non-confrontational exploration
that you will make into your own consciousness.
If you had a choice, would you deliberately create your
life as you are currently experiencing it?
Avatar reawakens the knowledge that you do have
the power to choose and create your own life!
Avatar will provide you the tools with which to
do it.
Edge International has recently uploaded a .pdf
file of the International Bestseller Living Deliberately:
TheDiscovery and Development of Avatar.
I have received permission to include it on my website,
and you may download it by clicking on the "book"
You will need to have Acrobat
Reader installed in order to view the file.

If you don't have Acrobat Reader, a free download is available
Acrobat Reader Download page.
Acrobat, you should be able to view and print the document
with no loss in quality.
on for more information.